%@ Language = "VBScript" %> <% Option Explicit %> <% '************************************************ '* Logic= enter the form the FormAction =0 and run that part '* if not found, re-enter to do again '* if found, then proceed with FormAction =step2 '* Update runs step3 '* NOTE: Variables only availabe when page is POSTED '* Must re create the oRSI record set with each '* form submission '* ALSO: Variables for frmupdateowner.first_nametxt.value '* are different from frmeditowner.first_nametxt.value '* Important frmupdateowner.first_nametxt.value works only outside '* of vbscript brackets but works before posted '* Request.form("First_NameTxt") works inside vbscriptbrackets '* and only works after being posted. '************************************************************* ' See below for the redirect response.redirect "www.turbodoc.com/index.htm" ' ALSO in the DEFAULT.HTML file and Index.html file '********************************************************* '** Redirect to turbodoc.NET response.redirect "Http://www.TurboDoc.Net" '********************************************************** %>